How to Use Canonical Tag to save the website from Penalty – Blog post by

Here, presenting to use Canonical tags effectively.

E-commerce web sites, Flipkart to use tags, rel tag that is canonical. Imagine if a SERP includes 10 URLs via the website with the content, it’ll be. It’ll be tough to find quality content. This would probably be among the best black color hat Search engine optimization techniques. Fortunately, Google penalizes duplicate articles and there is a tag which will assist you from getting penalized in saving your website. Based on Google, indexing attributes are consolidated by rel = Canonical link from the defines that URL you’d like displayed in search results, and duplicates, such as their links page. The rel=canonical tag tells.

know more on Canonical tags on – Website

It will create a clutter of pages if not used and the Search engine optimization juice will be divided between these pages. There are very different URLs that a certain page could have. All of these are URLs of the page if the tag is not utilized, but they come out as pages. You will have to use the tag, although the www and non-www dilemma can be solved using 301 redirects. With websites, the challenge is having the same product in distinct color memory must use both relative and absolute URLs, but utilize them in the way. If declared a few times, Google might just ignore all the declarations.

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